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精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 2017 年最新高一英语语法填空练习系列(一) 第一章 名校模拟 一 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 One day, a tramp( 流浪汉) was sleeping on a park bench, 1 (satisfy) with the afternoon sunshine. A couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up and asked him, ”Excuse me . 2 you have the time?” The tramp replied ,” I’m sorry. I don’t have a watch, so I don’t know the time.” The man apologized and walked away with his wife. The tramp lay down went back to sleep. Just then, a woman 3 was out walking her dog, shook the tramp’s shoulder until he woke up , 4 said ,”I’m sorry to trouble you, but do you happen 5 (know) the time?” The tramp was a little annoyed at 6 (wake) up again, but he politely told the woman he didn’t have a watch and had no idea 7 the time. After the woman left, an idea 8 (occur) to the tramp . He opened his bag and took out a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down with all his strength, “I do not have a watch. I do not know the time.” He then hung the paper round his neck thinkin g that nobody would hold him 9 in his sleep. Fifteen 10 (minute) later, a policeman noticed the tramp and the sign around his neck. Out of a sense of responsibility, he woke the tramp up and said,” It’ s 2:30 pm.” Answers: (辽宁营口高一上学期期末考试) 1 satisfied 2 Do 3 who 4 and 5 to know 6 being woken 7 of 8 occurred 9 back 10 minutes 二 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 If you have much money, you need to put it away in the bank. Maybe you never opened that account(账户), but someone else 1 someone who used your name, your credit card number or your 2 (person) information to commit fraud(造假) without 3 (let) you know, 4 is actually a crime. The biggest problem is that you may not know that someone has taken away your identity 5 you notice something is wrong : you may get bills from a(n) 6 (familiar) account you never opened , your credit report may include debts you never knew you had, 7 you may see charges on your bills that you didn’t sign for. If your identity has really 8 (steal) lik


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