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基于STATA的河南省城市经济发展实力分析 摘要 为了解湖南省区域经济发展状况,本文以《河南统计年鉴 》2014年-2021年的相关统计数据为依据,选取4个相关指标并运用 Stata15软件对搜集的数据进行描述性分析、相关性分析、多元回归分析和稳健性检验,以更好的对河南省18个城市的经济发展能力进行综合比较,最后结合河南省各市的发展现状对其提出相应的参考意见和建议。通过对城镇常住人口、有效专利数、房地产开发企业实到位资金和地区生产总值的研究发现:(1)河南省城镇常住人口数量与经济发展水平呈正相关,即城镇常住人口越多,地区生产总值越大。(2)河南省在经济发展过程中,有效专利数与地区生产总值正相关,即有效专利数越多,地区生产总值越大。(3)河南省房地产开发企业的实到位资金与经济发展水平呈正向相关关系,即增加房地产开发企业实到位资金的投入会带到地区生产总值的提高。 关键词:河南省;经济发展;实证分析;STATA Abstract in order to understand the regional economic development in Hunan province, this paper to the Henan statistical yearbook in 2014-2021, the relevant statistical data, select four related indicators and use Stata15 software to collect data descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and robustness test, in order to better compare the economic development ability of 18 cities in Henan province, finally combining the development status of the cities of Henan province to put forward the corresponding reference opinions and Suggestions. Through the study of the urban permanent resident population, the number of effective patents, the actual funds of real estate development enterprises and the regional GDP, it is found that: (1) the number of urban permanent resident population in Henan province is positively correlated with the level of economic development, that is, the more the permanent urban resident population, the larger the regional GDP.(2) In the process of economic development in Henan Province, the number of valid patents is positively correlated with the regional GDP, that is, the more the number of valid patents, the larger the regional GDP.(3) The actual capital of real estate development enterprises in Henan Province has a positive correlation with the level of economic development, that is, increasing the actual investment of real estate development enterprises will bring it to the improvement of regional GDP. Key words: Henan Province; economic development; empirical analysis; STATA 目录 TOC \t 标题 2,1,标题 3,2,标题 4,3 \h \


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