冀教版九年级上册英语《Moving Pictures》Movies and Theatre 说课复习教学.pptxVIP

冀教版九年级上册英语《Moving Pictures》Movies and Theatre 说课复习教学.pptx

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Moving Pictures;Learning aims: 在本节课结束后,学生能够: 理解effect, titanic等词汇,掌握并运用 France 等词。 2. 通过师友互助掌握文章重点。 3. 通过阅读了解电影制作历史,谈论自己 喜欢的电影及电影类型。 4. 通过这一课的学习,增强学生对中西方 电影文化的热爱。;What kind of film is it? ; ;romance;action movie;science fiction movie;cartoon;?/'p?pk?:n/;; 1.Movies are just over ________ years old. 2.Movies have had such a big ______ on us. 3.The very first movies ________ in France and Germany. ;1.What were the first movies like? 2.How are movies today different from movies in the past?;Read after the tape;Translate. 1.成千上万的人参与制作一部电影。 2.我更喜欢科幻片。 3.我在科幻电影里学到许多有趣的事情。 4.I hear Kung Fu Dinosaur Ⅲ is on.;1.Fortunately, the thunderstorm didn’t __________________ our daily lives. 2.What _________ in the theatre tonight? 3.As a businessman ,he doesn’t want to ____________ politics. 4.My daughter ____ drawing _____ singing. 5.We have _____ a lot of things ____ our English teacher.;Summary;I really like the movie Titanic. The director,James Cameron,made it in the year 1998 . I like Jack and Rose in the movie. A famous line in the movie is…;Write a movie review according to the chart.;have (an) effect on sb./sth. 对…有影响,对…起作用 e.g. Teacher’s words have a great effect on students. Practice: 家长说的每句话都将对孩子产生一定的影响。 Every word from parent will ________________ children.;I prefer science fiction.更喜欢… = I like science fiction better.;Homework;Moving Pictures ; 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!; ; big effect on us. Brian:I love watching? movies. A movie is really an


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