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美国实施量化宽松政策对人民币汇率的影响及对策 ?摘要:目前,与量化宽松政策相关的一些问题正逐渐成为研究热点。美联储于2008年10月开始推行非常规的量化宽松政策,做为应对全球金融危机的紧急政策。本文以货币政策的国际传导机制和货币政策溢出效应理论为基础,对美国当前量化宽松货币政策的效果和对我国人民币汇率的影响进行了分析,也为通过何种途径解决这些问题提供了借鉴,对中国积极应对金融危机,有很大的现实意义。最后中国应对美国量化宽松政策影响的对策分析,主要从扩大内需和促进出口地区多样化依、加快人民币国际化步伐、控制货币发行数量并加强宏观调控、加强热钱监管保持物价水平平稳、实现外汇储备多元化和加强国际协调机制六方面入手,应对美国量化宽松货币政策对我国的不利影响。 关键字:量化宽松政策;人民币汇率;金融危机;货币政策 Abstract at present, some of the problems associated with the "quantitative easing" is becoming a research hotspot. The federal reserve have been launched in October 2008, unconventional quantitative easing, emergency policy as a response to the global financial crisis. Based on the international transmission mechanism of monetary policy and currency policy spillover effect theory as the foundation, the current U.S. quantitative easing monetary policy effect and the influence of the RMB exchange rate in China are analyzed, and also in order to solve the problem through what way, provides the reference for China's positive response to the financial crisis, has great practical significance. Finally the influence of China's response to the quantitative easing policy countermeasure analysis, mainly exported from expanding domestic demand and promote regional diversity in accordance with the control of the money supply, to speed up the pace of yuan internationalization, quantity and strengthen macro-control, strengthen the supervision of hot money to keep stable price level, realize the reserve diversification and strengthening international coordination mechanism of six aspects, deal with the negative impact of the U.S. quantitative easing monetary policy to our country. Key words: the United States; Quantitative easing; China; Monetary policy 目??录 一、绪论 .......................................................................3 (一)选题背景 ............................................................3 (二)研究意义 .............................................................3 (三)国内外研究现状 .................


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