冀教版八年级上册英语《Georgia Plays Basketball》Celebrating Me! PPT说课.pptxVIP

冀教版八年级上册英语《Georgia Plays Basketball》Celebrating Me! PPT说课.pptx

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Celebrating Me!Unit 8 Gia Plays BasketballLesson 44 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! He is Michael Jordan, a famous basketball player. THINK ABOUT IT Do you have basketball teams in your school? What makes you unique in your class?Hello everyone! My name is Gia. I am in Grade 8. What makes me unique? Let's see. My familyes from Greece. I was born there. Nobody else in my schooles from Greece! That makes me unique.Want to play? I've been in? Canada for seven and a half years. My grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins still live in Greece. My sister is a basketball player in Canada. But she sometimes returns to Greece to play for ? the Greek National Basketball Team. Playing basketball is my main talent,too. When I was in Grade 6,I played for the junior high basketball team. I was the youngest player. We did very well last year. We lost only two games.Once,we played against a team from another city. The game was almost over,and the score was fifty-one to fifty-one. A player on my team passed me the ball. I was too far from the basket. Could I put the ball into the basket? I tried,and the ball went in! The final score was fifty-four to fifty-one. We won! We felt proud of ourselves. My dream is to play basketball in the Olympics. I'd like to go to university,too. My parents want me to study medicine,but I want to continue taking P.E. What sport would I study? Basketball,of course! 讲解来自《点拨》知识点1have been in sp. 已在某地考向一 have been in为现在完成时结构,强调某人已经在某地,并且目前还在那里。常与表示一段时间的状语连用。eg: Mr. Green has been in Shanghai for four months. 格林先生已经在上海呆了四个月了。 讲解来自《点拨》考向二 当表示“在某个小地点停留多久”时,还可用 have been at sp.。eg:I have been at this library for two hours. 我已经在这个图书馆呆了两个小时了。拓展have gone to sp.到某地去了强调此人现在不在说话的地方,还没有回来。eg:That man can't be Mr.Green. He has


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