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怎样发掘管理企业关键人才英文版 “From the Miners to Major: A League of Change in Recent British Politics.” John Major stereotyped as the grey man of the Tory partyThe whiz kid whose fast rise up the greasy pole culminated in a slippery slide downwardseconomic stagflation and low approval ratingsunable to prevent bickering, scandal and policy driftechoes of Churchill’s “modest” depiction of Atlee[cartoon] Major as Mr. Underpants, the spindly superhero. PM as Mr. Underpants until, that is, Edwina Currie’s revelations in 2002. Now Sir John Major seen asthe creator of Northern Ireland peace agreementthe warrior of the 1991 Gulf Warthe international statesman and peace negotiatorthe last successful Conservative party leaderreturned a party to the moderate “inside right” electorate Major in the context of British Politics PMQT shows integration of legislature and executiveCommons culture of Oxford Union debatingPM confronted by MPsarticulate ministers, well informed gladiatorialpatronage power of the prime ministercabinet and shadow cabinet: loyal Opposition front bench (ministers) versus backbench (MPs)Multi-party system with cross-benchers:First Past the Post system favors Con Lab, disfavors Lib Dems Uncodified Constitutiondoctrine of parliamentary sovereigntyno supreme court, no constitutional reviewflexible terms of office and votes of no confidencecabinet’s collective responsibility: “government are”ministerial responsibility resignationrise of PM and staff, public relationsembourgeoisement: decline of class-based politics postwar welfare state consensus:equality over individualismfull employment over productivity“fair shares for all”“no jumping the queue”“homes fit for heroes”“Butskellism” (Butler Gaitskell)“corporatism” (tripartite economic discussions) 1960s and 1970s, consensus declinedLabour Conservative governmentseconomic deteriorationwinters of discontent 1974 and 1979“bloody-minded” unions “out of touch” managementMiners brought down Heath Tory government, 1974 Tha


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