冀教版七年级下册英语《Move Your Body》Sports and Good Health PPT课件.pptxVIP

冀教版七年级下册英语《Move Your Body》Sports and Good Health PPT课件.pptx

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Move your body; Learning aims 1 To master(掌握) some new words and key sentences in the passage. 2 Students can express(表达) the good habits and the bad habits in English. 3 To make friends and understand,help each other.; 1.重量 [weit] 2.空气 [e?(r)] 3.幸运的 [l?k?] 4.边;侧边 [sa?d] 5.睡椅 [ka?t?] 6.在户外 [?a?t?d?:z];短语互译 1. 过去常常 做… __________ 2. 体重增加 __________ 3. not. . . any more __________ 4. get out __________ 5. on one’s side _________;;;1. used to do 过去常常….. They used to be very active together. 他们过去非常活跃。 2. I used to like tea very much, but now I’m used to drinking milk. 我过去非常喜欢茶,但是现在我习惯喝牛奶了。;【探究总结】used to do与be used to doing的区别;【学以致用】 My grandfather _______ us stories when I was young. A. used to tell B. is used to telling C. are used to tell D. was used to telling;【学以致用】 ;3. lucky adj. 幸运的;侥幸的 But I feel really lucky. 但是我觉得确实幸运。 Good luck to you! 祝你好运! Luckily, he was not hurt badly. 幸运的是,他伤得不重。;【探究总结】lucky, luck及luckily的辨析;【学以致用】 1 It’s _______ to pass the exam. luck B. lucky C. luckily D. unlucky 2 ______ (lucky), got third place in the dance. ;4 not…..any more 不再……, 用于否定句中 ; ;1. 他们过去常常很活跃。 They ______ ______ ______ very active together. 2. 蒂姆的体重正在增加。 Tim is ______ ______ ______. 3. 我感觉非常幸运。 I feel really ______ 4 .We’re _____ busy ________(不再).;Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Bill used to ______ (be) shy, but now he is outgoing. 2.Don’t __________ (担心)my health. 3. ______ (lucky), he caught the last bus yesterday. 4. He eats _______ (许多, 很多)meat, so he is fat. 5. Let’s ______ (meet) tomorrow at six. ;Activity ;Homework;Sports and Good Health;; 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!;; Ben and Tim are good friends. They used to be? very active together. They walked everywhe



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