新概念2 lesson1-lesson10测试题.docx

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lesson1-lesson10 lesson1-lesson10 汉译英 同学们,请注意你们的课本。 11. 每个人都和别人不同。 我正在看电视的时候,电话响了。 12. 朋友们和我们并不一样。 这些是私人信件。 13. 在那个饭馆,他们提供(offer)非常好的服务。 在公交车上我有个座位。 14. 这个服务员正在倾听我们的要求。 看!外面在下雪! 15. 这会儿我有紧急的事情要做。 刚才没听清你(说什么),你能重复一下么? 16. 我很长时间没有得到她的信息了。 纸上连一个 字都没有! 17. 他在 20 分钟内越过这段距离。 在那天,她做了一个重大决定。 18. 你最近见 Smith 先生了么? 那场大雨破坏了我的周末。 19. 图书馆坐落在小城的中心。 上周我收到几张朋友发来的明信片。 20. 能把你的字典借给我吗? 选择填空 lovely red apples! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 2 When did you decide to be a teacher? ---- Let me see. I’m 30, and I have wanted to be one . A. twenty years B. since twenty years ago C. I had twenty years D. when I was twenty. I there for 3 years. went B have C. haven’t been D. was She live abroad. has been B. has gone to C. have been to D. went 用动词正确形式填空 A car (knock) the boy over as he (cross) the road. [cross vt.过/通过] While he (write) an urgent message, the telephone (ring). When she (look for) her umbrella, she (find) her handbag. 选择填空 ----- ‘Where’s mother? She isn’t here.’ She’s (gone/been) to the butcher’s. you ever abroad before? (Have...gone / Have been) There you are at last! Where you ? (have ... gone/ have. been) Sue and Pat aren’t here. They to a party. (have gone / have been) My father to New York. He left this morning. (has gone / has been) None of my friends (has gone / has been) to America. 改错 He has gone to Silbury yesterday. 4. They were never to China before. She was abroad since last January. 5. She has telephoned me 10 minutes ago. I didn’t see their cat yet. 小短文 根据故事情节提示,写一篇小短文,要求情节完整通顺。 上周六我和我的朋友一起去看电影。我们的座位很不错。电影也非常棒。可是我们看得并不爽。两个高个子人正坐 在我们前面,并且他们正大声聊着天。我们既看不清也听不清电影了。我非常生气并决定说点什么。“您能坐低点么? (sit lower)?”我礼貌地说。那个女人立刻转过头来。“请保持安静!”,她说,“我们听不清电影了”。 用比较级或最高级完成下列句子,语法正确,意思完整。 The Nile / long river / the world 2. The Nile / long / the Yangze 3. The temple / tall one / all the buildings in our town 4. Susan / good singer / our class 汉译英 这个男孩儿从我们身旁跑过。 The boy us. The boy us. 门口没有人。 There is at the door. / There is at the door. 在 1985 年 6 月 15 日的下午,他出国


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