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Abnormal breath sound Abnormal vesicular breath sound Abnormal bronchial breath sound Abnormal bronchovesicular breath sound * Inspection * Chest framwork Normal A-P/T diameter: 1:1.5 Flat chest 1:2 Barrel chest 1:1 Rachitic chest Rachitic rosary(肋骨串珠) Funnel chest(漏斗胸) Unilateral deformation Local bulge of chest wall Thoracic deformity caused by deformed spine * Deformation of chest * Breathing movement Symmetry (对称性) Respiratory rate (频率) Type (形式) Extent (幅度) Rhythm (节律) Others * Symmetry Respiratory movement of one side weaken(单侧呼吸运动减弱) * Rate Normal:16—18/min,R/P(1:4) Tachypnea(呼吸过快)24/min Bradypnea(呼吸过缓)12次/分 * Type Costal respiration (胸式呼吸):female Diaphragmatic respiration (腹式呼吸): male/child * Extent of respiration Normal Tachypnea (呼吸过快) Bradypnea(呼吸过慢) Kussmaul breath * Rhythm Tide Breath (Cheyne-Stokes) Inter-stop breath (Biots) Suspire breath * Others (paradoxical respiration) normal Airway block chest belly chest belly * Other abnormal respiratory motion three concave sign Inspiration prolong expiration prolong inspire expire * suprasternal fossa supraclavicular fossa intercostal space Three depression sign * Palpation * Palpation Chest wall Thoracic expansion Vocal fremitus(语音震颤) Pleural friction fremitus(胸膜摩擦感) * chest wall vein subcutaneous emphysema 握雪感(捻发音) tendernes Intercostal space Thoracic expansion Unilateral decrease pneumothorax (气胸) Bilateral dicrease emphysema (肺气肿) * palpation Palpation at back * Percussion * Percussion of Chest Method direct percussion (直接叩诊法) indirect percussion(间接叩诊法) * indirect percussion 板指: 左手中指第二指节 叩诊锤: 右手中指指端 要点: 贴紧中指抬四指


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