【中考冲刺】2023年宁夏固原市中考模拟英语试卷 (附答案) .pdf

【中考冲刺】2023年宁夏固原市中考模拟英语试卷 (附答案) .pdf

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2023 年宁夏固原市中考模拟英语试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、完形填空 Mrs. Hammond was an old and blind woman. Although life was difficult, she was independent and ___1___ to do things by herself. She would go for a long walk ___2___ every day, and was able to find her way back by using her guiding stick. She had never lost her way until that day. That day when she was out for a walk, she found the trees on her way ___3___ because some villagers had cut them down. So she couldn’t find her way back. ___4___ she knew what to do, she had heard the sound of water near her feet. “Water?” she said aloud to ___5___. “I must be on a bridge. I’ve been told that there’s a ___6___ nearby, but I don’t know its exact location (位置). How can I get back from here?” At that time she heard a man’s friendly voice near her. It said, “Excuse me, can I help you?” “How ___7___ of you!” Mrs. Hammond answered. “Yes, please. I’m afraid I’ve got lost. Can you please help me get home?” “Certainly, the man answered. And they began ___8___. The man took Mrs. Hammond to her house, and she invited him in and told the man ___9___ grateful (感激的) she was that she had met him. “Don’t thank me,” he answered. “I want to thank you.” “Thank me?” Mrs. Hammond said. “What ____10____?” “Well,” the man answered. “I was trying to throw myself into the river. But I’m not going to do it now.” 1 A refused B taught C tried D decided . . . . . 2 A alone B awake C alive D asleep . . . . . 3 A dying B growing C missing D hiding . . . . . 4 A After B Before C When D Sinc


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