英语各种文学课件chapter 4.pdf

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Part IV The li ture of Realism(1865-1918) ⚫American realism(1870-1890) ⚫Local colorism: Mark Twain ⚫American Naturalism (1908-1918) Walt Whitman •One of the great innovators in American li ture •He gave America its first genuine epic poem: Leaves of Grass Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) ◼America’s best-known female poet I Died for Beauty ◼ Stanza 1. I died pursuing the beauty of art and immedia y as I became accustomed to the new circumstance of a tomb, I was told that there was another who died for truth and arrived in the next room. ◼ Stanza 2. I died for beauty and he died for truth. S e “beauty is truth and truth beauty,” we are as close as brothers, or like twins. ◼ Stanza 3. The two of us are like kinsmen who met at night, and we talked in separated rooms for a very long time until we have harmoniously united into one and have been comple y forgotten by the human world. I Heard a Fly Buzzwhen I died-- - ◼ Stanza 1. When I was dying, I heard the buzz of a fly which reminded me of the stillness in the air. ◼ Stanza2. Before the absolute power of death, I was helpless, so were my relative and friends. They could do nothing more than gathering around me; tearless and breathless, and watching the arrival of death to me. ◼ Stanza 3. When I was abandoning this material world, a fly comes to me. Comment on the poem ◼ This poem is the description of the moment of death. The poetess made use of a very strange image of a fly to symbolize her last touch with the human world and, moreover, the of a decaying corpse. The fly appeared as something which is able to fly between the two worlds of life and deat


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