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省略 Omission or Ellipsis 1 为使句子简洁,避免重复 • Tom was wearing a raincoat and he didn’t get wet. • Tom was wearing a raincoat and didn’t get wet. 2 一 简单句中的省略 3 1. 提问 • A. 如不造成混淆,助动词be, do, have或 will 可省略,有时主语也可以省略。 • (Are) You ready? • How (are) we going to do that? • (Has) Your father got a car? • Where (have) you been hiding? • (Does) Anybody want more? 4 • B. 主语和谓语动词全部省略. • (Have you got /Do you want )Any water? • ---I’m leaving • ---Why (are you leaving)? 5 • --Do you know that? • --Yes, I know. • --How are you getting along with your study? • --Pretty well. • --Is he trying to have a finger in the pie? • --Yes, he is. • --Will you join us? • --I’d love to. 2. 回答问题 6 • --The story was very touching. • --Yes, and very instructive too. • --I hope I’m not disturbing you. • --Certainly not. 3.接别人的话 7 4. 表达自己的意见 • A. 句首的冠词\人称代词I/It可省略. • (The ) Car’s giving us trouble again. • (I) Haven’t seen you for ages! • (It) Looks like rain. • (It) Doesn’t matter. 8 B. 带有have , be 或will的肯 定句中的主语不能省. • *Have seen you. • *Am coming soon. • 但若意思清楚,可将这类助动词连同主语 一齐省略. • (I’ll) see you soon. • (I’ve) Forgotten your name. 9 • (You) Can’t go in there. • (You) Have to wait a bit, I’m afraid. C.只要意思清楚,作主语的 第二人称代词也可省略. 10 • What a magnificent bridge (it • (It’s) Simply impossible! 5. 感叹 is)! 11 6.There be 句型 • (There) Must be somebody waiting for Jane. • (There) Appears to be big crowd outside. • (There) Won’t be anything left for lunch. 12 并列句中的省略 13 在以and, but, or 或分号等连 接的并列句中,后一句中与前 一句的相同部分经常被省略. • John won’t go but I will (go). • You could have come and (you could have ) • She was poor but (she was) honest. • Perhaps I can’t write good music and (I) will never be able to (do so). • In 1986, the coal output of this region went up by seven percent, the steel output (of this region) went up by five percent. told me. 14 • 有时也可以省略前一分句中与后一分句的相同 部分. • Mother peeled (the onions) and chopped the onions. • Either Germany (will win the World Cup) or Holland


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