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第一章 地理信息系统导论 2006年1月 ■ 数据 ■ 信息 ■ 数据处理 ■ 信息的特征 第一节 地理信息系统的基本概念 地理信息及特征 ■ 地理信息 ■ 特征 ■ 定义的分类 ■ 国内常用的定义 地理信息系统及定义 ■ 特点 (1) 面向数据处理过程的定义 (2) 面向专题应用的定义 (3) 工具箱定义 (4) 数据库定义 地理信息系统的定义分类 ■ are spatially referenced the Earth . Aronoff(1989) any manual or computer based set of procedures used to store and manipulate geographically referenced data . Catter(1989) an institutional entiry ,reflecting an organizational structure that integrates techno lo a database , expertise and continuing , financial support over time . Parker(1988) an information technology which stores ,analyses ,and displays both spatial and non- spatial data . Dueker(1979) a special case of information systems where the database consists of observations on spatially distributed features ,activities ,or events ,which are definable in space as points , line areas. A GIS manipulates data about these points , lines , and areas to retrieve data for ad hoc queries and analyses . Smith et al.(1987) A data base system in which most of the data are spatially indexed ,and upon which a set of procedures operated in order to answer queries about spatial entities in the database . Ozemoy ,Smith and Sicherman(1981) an automated set of functions that provides professionals with advanced capabilities for the storage , retrieval ,manipulation ,and display of geographically loca data . Burrough(1986) a powerful set of tools for collecting , storing , retrieving at will , transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world . Cowen(1988) a decision support system involving the integration of spatially referenced data in a problem -soling environment . Koshkari ov , Tikunov and Trofimov(1989) a system with advanced geomodelling capabilities . Devine and Field(1986) a form of MIS[Management Information system] that allows map display of the general information . DoE(1987) a system for capturing storing checking , manipulating analysi


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