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SelectedReadingsin American Literatur Gui yang College Instructor: Cai Fengming 1 Washington Irving (1783- 1859 Father ofAmerican literature) : TOPIC : General Introduction to American Literature II OBJECTIVES : A) The Colonial period (1607-1775) B) Period of Independent war (1775-1783) C) Romantic period (1815-1865) D) Realism period (1865-1914) E) Modernism period (1914-1945) ( Modern literature starts with poets ) F) Contemporary period (1945-the 21st century G) the Nobel Prize winners in literature ◆ Captain John Smith (the first American writer). New England Trials and The General History of Virginia Puritan clergymen and governors, the two essential characteristics of the early American literature : their religious subject and imitation of English literary traditions. ◆ Jamestown : first permanent settlement in America, Mayflower in 1620 Separatists and Puritans. The Colonial period (1607- 1775) They believed that human reason could be used to combat ignorance superstition and tyranny and to build a better world Their principal Period of Independent War (1775- 1783) ■ Benjamin Franklin (1706- 1790)﹙the first p to pick out American dream and the 1st write write autobiography ﹚ : Autobiography (177 1790) ■ Thomas Paine (1737- 1809) : CommonSense (常识) (1776) : “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of al mankind. ” ■ Thomas Jefferson (1743- 1826) : Declaration of Independence (1776) Notes : The triumph of the hard-fought American independence (1775- 1783 seemed to many at a time a divine sign that America and her people were destined for greatness. Mili victory fanned nationalistic hope a great new literature. Period of Romanticism (1815- 1865) ■ Washington Irving (1783- 1859)( Father of American literature) : The Sketch Book (《随笔 集》或《见闻札记》 — 1819- 1820, Rip Van Winkle from it) Irving discovered and helped satisfy the ne nation ’s sense of history. ■ J


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