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八年级下英语Unit5Topic2集备教案 八年级英语备课组教案 Name Topic Date Unit 5 Topic 2 Feb.15th Period Class type 7 New Aims and demands Section A 1. Learn some new words and phrases: be strict with, shy, send, e-card, take it easy 2. Master adverbial clauses of reason: She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 3. Learn and master the sentences about personal feelings and characters further: She’s so unhappy. Oh dear! I’m sorry to hear that. She is quiet and shy. I’m really worried about her. 4. Share feelings with other people. Section B 1. Learn some new words: feeling, fail, experience, suggestion, normal, soft, nervous 2. Learn some sentences of reassuring others: Don’t worry. There, there! It’ll be OK. 3. Learn how to give advice to people in bad moods. 4. Learn to deal with unhappy feelings. Section C 1. Learn some new words and phrases: stranger, usual, be/get used to(doing) sth., as ... as, accept, clap 2. Learn equal comparison: I live as happily as before. I couldn’t sleep as well as usual. Helen is as lovely as Maria. Maria is not as/so brave as Helen. 3. Share feelings with good friends. Section D 1. Learn some new words and phrases: deal with, sadness, elder, refuse, anybody, unfair, even though, understand, no longer 2. Review some adjectives expressing feelings. 3. Review equal comparison. 4. Learn to solve the problems around us. Teaching Section A 备注 steps Review what we have learned last topic: Review T: What’s your favorite movie, S1? S1: My favorite movie is Love Me Once More, Mom. T: Are the people in it happy or sad? Why?1 Teaching procedure S1: They are sad because the mother lost her son. T: What happened in the end? S1: The mother went mad at last! T: Why do you like it best? S1: Because it’s very moving. T: Can you tell us something about Beijing Opera? S2: Yes, … T: As a teacher, I’


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