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The internet has brought _____ big changes in the way we work. A bout B out C back D up 答案:A _____ my delight ,our school football team won the game easily.(2014) A In B Of C To D For 答案:A Whether you learn or not is entirely _____ you. A up to B as to C about to D due to 答案: A Thank you! 表示“直到……”或“直到……才……”时,用“until(till)+时间点”。 注:till多用于口语,且不能放在句首。 We did not get off the bus until it stopped. (瞬间性v) not until的三种用法: 基本结构 强调句结构 倒装句结构 We did not get off the bus until it stopped. 基本结构: 主句 从句 直到车停了,我们才下了公交车。 Not until 的基本结构 not 主句 + until +从句 Not until 在强调句中的运用 It was not until _________that _____________ We did not get off the bus until it stopped. it stopped we got off the bus 主句 从句 肯定形式 强调句结构:It is/was not until + 从句 +that +主句 直到我成为我们班的班长,我才意识到团队合作的重要性。 1、用not until的基本结构翻译 I did not realize the importance of team work until I became monitor of our class. 2、用It is/was not until 从句 that...结构表示 It was not until ___________________________that _____________________________ 主句 从句 I became monitor of our class I realized the importance of team work 肯定形式 Not until 在倒装句中的运用 倒装结构:Not until +从句 + 倒装的主句 We did not get off the bus until it stopped. Not until ________ _________________ it stopped did we get off the bus 倒装 主句 从句 we did get off the bus × 从句 主句 Not until two days after earthquake ____________(她发现)her mother alive. (find) 解题步骤: 判断句型: Not until 在句首考倒装。 2.回忆结构:Not until 从句+倒装的主句 she found her mother alive did she find her mother alive 倒装 did she find Not until 用法总结 基本结构: not + 主句+ until + 从句 强调句结构: It is/was not until + 从句+that + 主句 倒装句结构: Not until + 从句 + 倒装的主句 主倒从不倒 直到她摘掉眼镜,我才认出来她是李宇春。 基本结构 I did not realize she was Li Yuchun until she took off her glasses. 强调句结构 It was not until she took off her glasses that I realized she was Li Yuchun. 倒装句结构 Not until she took off her glasses did I realize she was Li Yuchun. 用not until的三种结构翻译下面的句子 主句倒装 “during+时间段”表示“在……期间”;“by+时间点”表示“到……为止”,“在……之前”,常用于将来时和完成时中。 They taug


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