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(完整word版)雅思口语浓缩经典话题——关于传统节日及活动 (完整word版)雅思口语浓缩经典话题——关于传统节日及活动 (完整word版)雅思口语浓缩经典话题——关于传统节日及活动 雅思口语浓缩经典话题—-关于传统节日及活动 传统活动在雅思口语中可谓是经典话题.传统话题涵盖的领域极为宽泛,无论是谈论人物、描述事物、还是叙述经历,tradition都是一个很活跃的展开点。比如要谈论活动(events),那么活动具有的传统习俗(traditional ritual)是一个很好的切入点;再比如谈论婚礼,传统婚礼模式(traditional wedding)和西方婚礼模式(western wedding)之间的差异和互补就是一个重点。 今天凯撒国际英语的小编将按照“传统”话题系统分类,并进行一一列举,给出真题实例及参考答案.请小伙伴们好好学习! 传统节日: Describe an important traditional Chinese festival You should metion: when it is celebrated; What activities are involved; What is the most interesting thing about it; And explain what changes have taken place about this festival. 分析:考生首先需挑选某个节日 Chinese traditional festival: Spring Festival(春节)、Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)、Dragon Boat festival(端午节)、Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)、Pure Brightness Festival(清明节)、Lantern Festival(元宵节) activities: 【回答】: The Spring Festival is the most important traditional Chinese festival and it is also my favorite holiday。 On New Year’s Eve, the whole family gets together and has a wonderful supper. After supper, the elders give the children lucky money with which the young can buy whatever they want。 During the Spring Festival, people visit their relatives and wish each other Happy New Year’. Throughout the Spring Festival, everyone is much more friendly and kinder than at any other time of the year, and you feel that the world is full of love。 During the Spring Festival, since there is no school, the children always walk in the streets in groups, singing and laughing。 Sometimes they set off firecrackers and generally have a good time. The young always go shopping or go to the parks together, or they stay at home and enjoy special TV programs. There is a peaceful and happy atmosphere. 扩展信息:Changes about celebrating the festival: going out to have a get—together dinner or party in restaurants instead of big exhausting home dinner; making a phone call to one’s friends and relatives or sending e—mails or forwarding short messa


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