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2020-2021学年浙江省杭州市余杭区树兰初三上学期开学考试卷 第I卷 第一部分听力省略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 A JOB APPLICATION FORM YOUR NAME: Anna Friedell ADDRESS: 18 Jackson Street Elizabeth, Arizona 85276 PHONE NUMBER 555-1212 HIGH SCHOOL Robert Morris High School KEY COURSES Computer, 3 years; math, 4years LANGUAGES Chinese, 3 years (reading, writing); Russian, 2 years (reading, writing, speaking) EXPERIENCE Delivering milk; taking food orders at Brown’s Restaurant INTERESTS I like traveling and playing football. After school, I often play football with my friends and I ususlly travel on my holidays. I enjoy working with people and helping them. REFERENCES Mrs. Healther Singleton, headmaster of Robert Morris High School and Mr. Michael Ambler, Manager of Brown’s Restaurant We cant find Anna Friedells ______________________in the form . A. interests B. address C. age D. experience 2. According to the form, where did Anna Friedell work? A. In a restaurant. In a police station. C. In a post office. D. In a computer company. 3.Which of the following is NOT true? A. Anna lives in Arizona B. Anna can speak Chinese and Russian. C. Annas phone number is (623)555-1212. D. Mrs. Heather Singleton is Annas high school headmaster. 【答案】1.C 2.A 3. B 【分析】 本文是工作申请表格,其中第3题是易错题根据表格可知Anna汉语会读会写,俄语会读,会写,会说,所以选项B错误。 B When you like your teachers, it’s easier to pay attention to their cxplanations and improve your marks. When you consider your teachers as friends, you’ll certainly have more respect for them. When your teachers consider you to be a friend, they’ll feel more open in class and that will probably influence the classroom in a positive way. So a good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a very pleasant place. Now here are some tips to develop a friendly relationship with your teachers. If you have any questions about that subjec


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