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2022 年 9-12 月雅思口语 Part 2 预测:聪明人 Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem. Who the person is When and where it happened What the problem was And explain why it was a clever solution、 话题分析: Problem 不难想到,生活中到处都是 problem。难想的是 clever solution,还要解释清晰了这个 solution 聪慧的地方在哪里。坦白说这 个话题笔者也想了很长时间,有一些备选的素材,但要么就是背景信息太 多不好表达,要么就是晦涩难懂,学生比拟难消化。 直到昨天,笔者吃完晚饭,想要从餐厅走到地铁站的时候发觉,1 公 里多的路程,走起来要 15-20 分钟。打车太近,走路又太远。这个时候观 察路边的 mobike 单车,扫码,骑走,到地铁站一共才花了 5 分钟不到, 还很轻松。笔者觉得 mobike 就是一个 clever solution。解决了我们出 行不便利的问题。 确定了大方向,接下来就是细节的问题了,Who is the clever person? The founder of Mobike. 简洁地扫瞄了一下关于摩拜单车的新闻后,我 获得一些重点信息,用来答复这个题目。 参考范文: The clever person I”d like to talk about today is Huweiwei, the founder and CEO of Mobike Technology. She is a young entrepreneur in her 30s. Born in Zhejiang province and spent most of her time in her 20s working as a journalist, Weiwei decided to quit her job and create Mobike when she was 32. 这个聪慧的人叫胡玮玮,浙江人,创业之前始终在北京媒体行业从事 记者的工作。 The company called Mobike Technology was established by her in January, 2022. A few months later, they had their own factory in Beijing. It is the first well-known bike-sharing company in China. 2022 年,她在北京成立了摩拜科技,数月后又建立了厂房。 I”ve watched an interview with Weiwei, she said in the video that the traffic is surprisingly terrible in Beijing. The horrible traffic jams in rush hours is just one thing, what made her more frustrated was the inconvenient public transportation. Only a few people can live close to the metro stations, and the shuttle buses between metro stations and residential areas are quite limited. Every morning, she had to order a taxi to the station, it was a torture for her to spend such a long time on transport. That”s when she started to realize, bicycle seems to be the only solution to the problem. 曾经看过一个她的采访,在采访当中她有坦言说出为何会创立摩拜的 缘由:北京的公共交通不便利,出行难,地铁站距离目的地太远都是亟待 解决


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