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2022 天津公共英语考试模拟卷 本卷共分为 1 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分, 60 分及格。 一、单项选择题(共 50 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一 个最符合题意) 1.The boy reading ______ the desk is from Australia (澳大 利亚). A.at B.near C.on 2.Having an adventure in the forest gave me a chance to use a the training I(). A.receive B.had received C.wi receive D.have received 第1页 共14页 3.The play is starting ()five minutes but the theatre is only half full. A.for B.by C.with D.in 4.Is the average temperature of Shenyang in summer (). A.like Chicago B.like it in Chicago C.like the one of Chicago D.like that of Chicago 5.Janet has been in this large company for more than twelve years, () as a sales manager. A.work B.working C.worked D.to have worked 6.He couldnt make up his () about what to do with the money. 第2页 共14页 A.thought B.heart C.mind D.head 7.I()your house, so I thought Id stop by for a chat. A.pass B.had passed C.have passed D.was passing 8.Mr Hall()several mistakes Tom made in the composition and asked him to correct them. A.took out B.let out C.pointed out D.looked out 9.— Are you coming to the sports dub — No. () A.I have no idea at all. 第3页 共14页 B.So what C.I don#39;t feel like it today. D.What about 10.She used to call me Tiny, ()I was at least as tail as she was. A.although B.because C.unless D.if 11.The thief might have left the money untouched for the simple reason () he didnt know it was there. A.why B.which C.that D.how 12.The damage (). by the flood was so large that the buildings cannot be rebuilt in a short time. A.to be caused 第4页 共14页 B.causing C.caused D.was caused 13.— Would you like to go to the cinema with us — (). A.Go ahead B.I#39;d love to C.My pleas


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