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大连理工大学毕业论文(设计)格式规范 《聊斋志异》奇女子形象研究 - PAGE II - - PAGE I - 《聊斋志异》奇女子形象研究 A Study on the Images of Strange Women in Strange Tales of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi 摘 要 自古以来,奇女子形象在我国历史上已数见不鲜,她们作为一种特殊的存在焕发着耀目的光彩。《聊斋志异》上百篇故事中即塑造了许多个性鲜明的奇女子形象,诸如,知恩图报的异类女子、敢于斗争的独立女子、不让须眉的侠义女子、精明强干的才情女子等。这些女性往往拥有非凡的才华,道德情操高尚,有着女性共有却又独特的细腻特质。在封建社会中这些特立独行的女性体现了非凡的自我意识,引起了对于女性的更多思考。这些奇女子是内外兼美的灵性存在,她们既具有外在之美,妍丽忘俗;同时又具有内在之美,性灵德善。这些奇女形象是融合了外在形态与内在性情双重美感的灵性存在,给予了读者深刻的审美体验。她们是以情至上的感性存在,在礼教束缚下觉醒自我,勇敢地与传统的教条对抗,成为了世间最真挚情感的不懈追求者。她们身上寄托着蒲松龄独特的审美思想,体现了其非凡的想象力及创造能力。《聊斋志异》奇女形象的塑造具有非凡的文学及现实意义,对后世亦产生了深远影响。 关键词:聊斋志异;奇女子;女性形象;女性意识 - PAGE III - A Study on the Image of Strange Women in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Abstract Since ancient times, the image of strange women has been uncommon in the history of our country. As a special existence, they glow with brilliance. Hundreds of stories in Strange Tales of Liao Zhai have created many strange women with distinct personalities, such as strange women who know how to report gratitude, independent women who dare to struggle, chivalrous women who do not let their eyebrows down, smart and talented women, and so on. These women often have extraordinary talent, noble moral sentiment, and common but unique delicate characteristics of women. In feudal society, these independent women embodied extraordinary self-consciousness, which aroused more thinking about women. These exotic women are spiritual beings of both internal and external beauty. They not only have external beauty, beautiful and unconventional, but also have internal beauty, spiritual virtue and goodness. These images of exotic women are the spiritual existence that integrates the double aesthetic inspiration of external form and internal temperament, and give readers a profound aesthetic experience. They are emotional beings, awakening themselves under the restraint of etiquette, bravely confronting the traditional doctrine, and become the most sincere emotional pursuers in the world. Pu Songlings unique aesthetic thought embodi


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