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2022 公共英语考试考前冲刺卷(7) 本卷共分为 2 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100 分, 60 分及格。 一、单项选择题(共 49 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一 个最符合题意) 1.You dont have to drive him home. He ______ already. A.leaves B.is leaving C.has left D.had left 2.At 13 he was sent to a shop, ______ he learned the business. A.where B.which C.when D.that 3.Mary ______ be in London because I saw her in town only 第1页 共17页 an hour ago. A.wont B.mustnt C.may not D.cant 4.Its a pity that you ______ leave so soon. Its been so nice having you here. A.can B.could C.should D.might 5.Helen always comes home at weekends, ______ the country to the town. A.prefer B.to prefer C.preferring D.having preferred 6.Susan got sunburned because she ______ on the beach all 第2页 共17页 afternoon. A.lay B.is lying C.has lain D.had been lying 7.With the three ships ______ to him by the Queen of Spain, Columbus sailed west. A.giving B.gave C.being given D.given 8.The wi er told me that the money was given to a childrens hospital. A.wi ing B.to win C.won D.to be won 9.These windows need ______. Can you do them 第3页 共17页 A.clean B.cleaned C.to clean D.cleaning 10.Whats done is done. Its no use ______ anyone for it. A.blame B.blaming C.to blame D.to be blaming 11.She is a stranger in this vi age, ______ anyone knows where she is from. A.Never B.Almost C.Hardly D.Nearly 12.I wasnt looking where I ______, and hit the car in front. A.went B.was going 第4页 共17页 C.would go D.had been going 13.I checked all my answers ______. my teacher had suggested A.as to


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