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“在孤独与爱中挣扎”——分析《百年孤独》中的女性形象 - PAGE I - “在孤独与爱中挣扎” ——分析《百年孤独》中的女性形象 Struggling in Loneliness and Love: An Analysis of the Female Images in “One Hundred Years of Loneliness” 摘 要 布恩迪亚家族的女人们与当今社会定义的独立自主敢爱敢恨的女性形象大相径庭。如果说布恩迪亚家族的男人们是瓶子,那么女人们则是水。瓶水相逢,水是什么形状由瓶子决定。她们孤独因为她们缺少爱,而男人们不懂爱。同时,马尔克斯用大量笔墨告诉读者布氏家族百年间的发展与女人之间不得不说的关系。他用布恩迪亚家族的成长史来提醒那些还在沉睡中的南美大陆上的民众,抨击那些残酷执政的统治者们。在受到启发的同时,在布恩迪亚家族的女人们身上感受那些距离现在有些遥远的宗教文学,印第安传统文化以及马尔克斯笔下的女人形象中表现出悲剧意识和审美意识。他创作了如此数量众多的女性形象不是单纯源自于对女性的兴趣,而是对整个美洲民众战后生存境遇的关心。 关键词:《百年孤独》;女性形象;孤寂;美洲文化 “在孤独与爱中挣扎”——分析《百年孤独》中的女性形象 - PAGE III - The Subject of Undergraduate Graduation Project (Thesis) of BHU Abstract The women of the buendia family are a far cry from today's image of an independent, love-hate woman. If the men of the bundia family were bottles, the women were water. The bottle meets the water. The shape of the water is decided by the bottle. They are lonely because they lack love, and men don't understand love. At the same time, marquez spends a lot of time telling the readers about the relationship between the blythe family's development over the past hundred years and the relationship between women and men. He used the history of the buendia family as a reminder to those still sleeping on the South American continent, and as a rebuke to its brutal rulers. Inspired by them, the women of the bundia family feel the tragic and aesthetic consciousness in the religious literature, the traditional Indian culture and the female images in marquez's novels which are far away from the present. He created so many images of women not simply out of interest in women, but out of concern for the survival of the American people after the war. Key Words:"One Hundred Years of Solitude";Female Image;Loneliness;The American Culture 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 一、播种爱的家族灵魂——乌尔苏拉 2 二、触碰又收手的纠结者——阿玛兰妲 4 三、天真纯爱的俏萝莉——雷梅黛丝 6 四、女性形象的价值意义 8 (一)女性形象透露出的悲剧意识和审美意识 8 (二)《百年孤独》中女性形象的意义分析 10 结 论 13 参考文献 14 大连理工大学毕业论文(设计)格式规


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