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鸡公岭中学六年级 2017 年秋季入学摸底考试 满分 100 分 出卷人:向芬 姓名: 一、1)补全单词 5 分 ( ) 1、h d A. ur B.or C. ar 得分: ( ) 2、hamb ger A.er B.ur C. ar ( ) 3、st dy A.a B.o C. u ( ) 4、ex ted A.si B.ci C. sa ( ) 5、li r ry A.b,a B.a,b C.b,e 、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。5 分 ( ) 1、A. football B basketball C. horse ( ) 2、A. small B .shoe C. heavy ( ) 3、A. sandwich B. breakfast C. lunch ( ) 4、A gave B. learnt C. climb ( ) 5、A. she B. us C. him 单选题。30 分 ( )1. Yao Ming is very good basketball in China. A. in( ) A. in ( )2. The girl A. hear ( )3. I get up is B. for deaf . She B. see half past C. at can `t . C. find seven . A. in B. to C. at ( )4. Do you want to chess A. think B. make C. play ( )5. You should look , then road . A. cross B. walk C. run ( )6. Yesterday I lost my bag . I feel A. happy B. hungry C. sad ( )7. You are back China. A. from B. in C. to ( )8. did you go to school yesterday. A . What B . How C. How many ( )9. How many do you need? A. apples B. pear C. milk ( )10. Let's buy one kilo noodles. A. of B. for C. off ( )11. They walked one hour. A. about B. with C. for ( )12. I get up seven o” clock the morning. A. at ; in B. at ; on C. in ; on ( )13. - did you go? - At eight o” clock. A. When B. How C. Where ( )14. That's cap. It isn't . A. mine ; yours B. her ; his C. yours ; my ( )15. We” re got enough everyone. A. for B. with C. in ( )16. There not enough time. A. is B. are C. has ( )17. Life was very different China many years ago. A .of B. at C. in ( )18. Why is she these clothes. A. wear B. wearing C. wore ( )19. Amy got a bag with wheels. A. have B. has C. had ( )20. His mum and grandma Chinese. A. are B. am C. is ( )21. Thank you for us. A. tell B. tells C. telling ( )22. I’ve got email from Sam. A. a B. an C./ ( )23. They had eggs and milk breakfast. A .for B .on C. in ( )24. He’ll home at seven o’clock. A. is B. was C .be ( )25. Beijing is the north of China. A .on B .in C. to ( )26. Is Line A the as Line B A. longer B .long C .same ( )27. Da ming a dragon kite for Simon last week. A.


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