Wow English Gold学习跟踪,可直接打印.docx

Wow English Gold学习跟踪,可直接打印.docx

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Wow!Gold学习指导 时长 序号.主题-部分(涉及单词)_故事/歌曲 时长 1st 2nd 3rd Wow!Gold-Unit 1 Wow!Gold-单元1 8:35 1.1 A Good Start(Wow!Silver Remix)_story 5:50 1.1 一个好的开始(银色合集)_故事 1.2 Blobs in Disguise_song 2:45 1.2 装扮小斑点_歌曲 Wow!Gold-Unit 2 Wow!Gold-单元 2 13:09 2.1 Bobs Smelly Souvenir(photo, blog, vlog, message, souvenir)_story 5:31 2.1 鲍勃的有味道的纪念品(照片,博客,视频博客,信息,纪念品)_故事 2.2 Download everything!(training camp, family holiday, summer camp, sightseeing tour, sleepover)_story 4:36 2.2下载所有东西!(训练营,家庭度假,夏令营,观光旅游,留宿聚会)_ 故事 2.3 Young like you!(I was, he was, she was, it was, you were, they were, we were)_song 3:02 2.3 像你一样年轻!(我是,他是,她是,是,你是,他们是,我们是)_歌曲 Wow!Gold-Unit 3 Wow!Gold-单元 3 13:58 3.1 My hometown was(library, cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, theatre)_story 5:26 3.1 我的家乡曾是(图书馆,电影院,购物中心,体育中心,剧院)_故事 3.2 I was on the spaceship!!!(yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year)_story 5:47 3.2 我当时在宇宙飞船上!!!(昨天,昨晚,上周,上个月,去年)_故事 3.3 At the Library(library, cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, theatre, yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year)_song 2:45 3.3 在图书馆(图书馆,电影院,购物中心,体育中心,剧院,昨天,昨晚,上周,上月,去年)_歌曲 Wow!Gold-Unit 4 Wow!Gold-单元 4 12:28 4.1 Not now, Bob!(watch a film, read a book, have a karate lesson, play the harmonica, watch a performance)_story 5:33 4.1 现在不行,鲍勃!(看电影,看书,上空手道课,吹口琴,看演出)_故事 4.2 I miss my friends!(edit a vlog(blog), update a vlog(blog), have a group chat, shop, hang out with friends)_story 4:13 4.2 我想念我的朋友!(编辑视频日志,更新视频日志,群聊,购物,与朋友闲逛)_故事 4.3 The Day Was Boring(read a book, hang out with friends, watch a film, have a group chat)_song 2:42 4.3 无聊的一天(看书,和朋友出去玩,看电影,群聊)_歌曲 Wow!Gold-Unit 5 Wow!Gold-单元 5 12:02 5.1 Keep safe Steve!(helmet, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, hi-vis vest, seat belt)_story 4:43 5.1 保持安全史蒂夫!(头盔,护肘和护膝,护腕,高可视背心,安全带)_故事 5.2 What was that?(zebra crossing, road, traffic lights, bin, pavement)_story 4:36 5.2 那是什么?(斑马线,道路,红绿灯,垃圾箱,人行道)_故事 5.3 Advice vs Rules(should, shouldnt, must, mustnt, have to, dont have to)_song 2:43 5.3 建议与规则(应该,不应该,必须,不能,


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