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般现在时和现在进行时练习题一、选择题练习 Who over there now A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing It ' sight o' clockThe students aving D. are having an English class. A. have B. having C. is h Listen! The baby in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries Look! The twins is weari ng new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. Don' t talk here. Grandparents . A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep Tom is a worker. He in a factory. His sisters in a hospital. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works Who English best in your class A. speak B. speaks C. speaking Mrs Read the windows every day. A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans We e/ are listening She music and often to music. A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. lik up at six in the morning. A. get B. gets C. getting On Sun day he sometimes his clothes and sometimes some shoppi ng. wash/ do B. is washing/ is doing C. washes/ does The twins usually ee for it. milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim some coff A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ have 、填空: My father always (come) back from work very late. The teacher is busy. He (sleep) six hours a day. Listen! Joan (sing) in the classroom. She often e. (sing) ther your brother (know) Japanese Where you (have) lunch every day The girl (like) wearing a skirt. Look! She (wear) a red skirt today. 三、 写出下列动词的现在分词形式 work sing play study dance have write take run sit shop swim lie 四、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 work read clean write teach wash guess watch go do photo study fly cry play have 五、 根据中文意思完成句子 1、学生们在干什么有一些在打电话,另一些躺在沙滩上。 the students on the beach. Some on the phone, 2、格林先生在看电视吗”不,他在打扫房间。 “ Mr Gree n TV'" ,He the house. ” 3、 魏芳不是在读书,她在写信。 Wei Fang a book. She a letter. 4、 今天天气怎么样 is the weather today 或 is the weather today 5、 我正在通过收音机学 (learn)英语。 I English on the radio. 6、


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