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PAGE PAGE 1 / 8 小升初英语 形容词、副词(一) 复习 一、 选词填空 Where Where what whose when why how Who which what color how old How much How many book is it? It’s mine. is the Christmas Day? It’s on the December 25th. is the pen? It’s under the desk. is the dress? It’s blue. is the boy in green? He’s Mike. day is it today? It’s Monday. color do you like best? Red. is your sister? He’s 15 years old. is this yellow one? It’s beautiful. are you late for class? I am sick. is the pen? Ten yuan. boys? Three boys. 二、 对划线部分提问 This is a photo. These are good girls. 知识点 一、 形容词 副词 形容词: 形容词(adjective),简称 adj.很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。主要用来修饰名词的词, 表示事物的特征。形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏,与否. 例 :Tom is my good friend. He is tall. She is beautiful. 副词 副词在句子中修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子。用来说明动作或状态的特征,时间,地点,程度,方式等情况。 副词按其用途和含义可分为下面五类: 时间副词:时间副词通常用来表示动作的时间。 常见的时间副词有:now ,today, tomorrow, early。 He often comes to school late. What are we going to do tomorrow? 地点副词:地点副词通常用来表示动作发生的地点。 常见的地点副词有:here, there, home, down, up, off, on, in, out 等。: I met an old friend of mine on my way home. 方式副词:方式副词一般都是回答“怎样的?”这类问题的。 常 见 的 方 式 副 词 有 : badly, carefully, suddenly, happily, slowly, well, fast, The old man walked home slowly. Please listen to the teacher carefully. 程度副词:程度副词多数用来修饰形容词和副词,有少数用来修饰动词或介词短语。常见的程度副词有:much, (a) little, a bit, very, so, too。 She sings quite well. I can hardly agree with you. 疑问副词:用来引导特殊疑问句的副词。常见的疑问副词:how, when, where, why。 Where were you yesterday? Why did you do that? 副词在句中的位置 多数副词放在动词之后。 Mr Smith works very hard. She speaks English well. 频度副词,通常放在行为动词之前,情态动词,助动词和 be 动词之后。He usually gets up early. I’ve never heard him singing. She is seldom ill. 程度副词一般放在所修饰的形容词和副词的前面, 但 enough 作副词用时,通常放在被修饰词的后面。例如: It is a rather difficult job. He runs very fast. He didn’t work hard enough. 副词作定语时,一般放在被修饰的名词之后。On my way home, I met my uncle. The students there have a lot time to do their own research work 练习 一、 写出下列词语的中文意思和反义词。 happy 3.soft 5.new tall 4.rich dangerous


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