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PAGE PAGE 10 / 10 小升初英语试卷(2010 年) 姓名: 得分: 一、写出下列字母的左右邻居,注意区分大、小写字母。(14 分) 1. F H 3. W 5. u 7. N 2. s 4. p r 6. I 8. k 二、写出下列单词的适当形式(10 分) 1.buy(过去式 ) 3.play (现在分词 ) 5. he (宾格) 7.photo( 复数 ) 9.win (过去式 )  2.stop(过去式 ) 4.give(过去式) 6.went( 原形 ) 8.eat ( 过去式 ) 10.is (过去式 ) 三、根据所提供的情景选择适当的句子。(10 分) 你想知道对方姓名,应说_ A.My name is Han Mel. B. What’s your name? C. Hello. 2.早上遇见刘老师,应说_ A.Thank you,Mr. Li. B.How? C.Good morning,Mr. Liu. 3.别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_ A.What’s your name? B.Hello! C.Thank you. 假如你叫林峰,当有人问你 What’s your name?时,你应回答 . A.I’m fine,too B.Nice to meet von C.My name is Lin Feng. 见到客人站着,你应说, A.Sit down.please. B.How are you? C.I’m fine,too. 下午与同学见面,你应说 A.Good afternoon. B.What’s your name? C.How are you? 晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是: A.Hi! B.Hello! C.Good night! 当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说: A. Good morning. B. Please sit down. C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you. 上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说: A.Please come in. B.Good morning. C.Stand up. 想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问? of , with, at, in, on , Thank you, must, doingA.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How do of , with, at, in, on , Thank you, must, doing 1、There is something wrong my watch. 2、They go to the park weekends. 3、This is an old photo my family. 4、Mike usually gets up 6:45. 5、We go home now. 6、We plant trees spring. 7、“ What is he ?” “ She is reading.” 8、A:Happy birthday to you! B: . 五、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(10 分) Open the window, please. (改为否定句) open the window, please. I can see a bottle of water on the table. (就划线部分提问) can you on the table? There are thirty students in the classroom. (对划线部分提问) How are there in the classroom? There are some birds in the picture. (改为一般疑问句句) there birds in the picture? They often play football on the playground.(就划线部分提问) they often football? 六、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分) It’s time (have) lunch. Can you (jump) very high? I want (go) and play basketball. Jim and Bill (sing) in the room now. What’s in the (teacher) room? There are s


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