初中:原创英语教学外研版 8AM6U2P2.pptx

初中:原创英语教学外研版 8AM6U2P2.pptx

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Module 6 Animals in dangerUnit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all..学习目标1. 阅读技巧 1) 学习如何归纳段落大意 2) 训练获取文中细节信息.2. 情感目标 通过学习本文,增强学生环境保护意识, 提高保护动物、保护环境的自觉性.3. 学习策略 学会通过制作单词卡练习记忆单词和发音。 处在危险境地在野外研究中心照顾;照看生宝宝做了很多研究生活在森林里中国西南部竹林为了……建立自然公园制定计划努力工作in dangerin the wildresearch centreslook afterhave babies/produce babiesdo a lot of researchlive in the forestsouthwest Chinabamboo forestin order to set up nature parksdevelop plans/a planwork hard Pandas are in _______. The ________ is difficult There are only about 1600 pandas in the _______, and 340 pandas in _______ and research centers. They dont have many babies each time and baby pandas often _______. Whats worse (更糟的是), the bamboo forests are getting ________ so pandas are losing their _______. In order to protect pandas, people do a lot of work. Scientists are doing a lot of _________ to help pandas ______ more babies and help baby pandas live. The government is setting up _______ parks and _________ other plans. The WWF chose the panda to be its _______. It is working hard to _____ them all. dangersituationwildzoosdiesmallerhomeresearchproducenaturedevelopsymbolsave Language points1. There are only about 1,600 in the wild today. 今天在野外只有大约1600只熊猫. in the wild:在野外。wild /waild/ n. 野外环境wild adj. 野外的野生动物 wild animalsThere are some beautiful wild flowers on the hill. 在山上有些漂亮的野花。 2. Zoos and research centres are looking after about 340 pandas. 动物园和研究中心正在照顾340只熊猫。 look after 照看;照顾look up 查找(单词、信息等) look at= have a look at 看看Mary is busying in looking after her baby.玛丽正忙于照看她的孩子。 If you want to know the meaning of a new word, you’d better look it up in the dictionary.如果你想知道新单词的意思,最好去查字典Everyone, look at me please and smile! Yeah. It’s ok.大家好,看着我,笑一笑。就这样! 3. In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. 1) in order to : 为了 …… 后接动词原形,表示主语行为的目的。in order to do 相当于to do, 可放在句首,也可以放在句尾。其否定形式是 in order not to do. (In order) to be a do


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