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• Neonatal hypoglycemia occurs most commonly in lets in the first few days of life if they do not ingest sufficient milk or are unable to digest milk normally because of an enteropathy. Hypoglycemia also occurs in hypothermic lambs, and occasionally alves with acute diarrhea. Etiology • An inade te intake of milk is always the primary cause of hypoglycemia of lets. This may be due to failure of the sow,milk supply or to failure of the lets to nurse. Failure to nurse may be due to such diseases as coliform septicemia, transmissible gastroenteritis, streptococcal infections, myoclonia congenital and hemolytic disease of the newborn. lets under 4 days of age rapidly develop hypoglycemia under fasting conditions; older s do not . Epidemiology • Newborn s encounter several challenges to their survival during the initial hours of life. One is the inherent problem of glucose homeostasis with the first day of life being the most critical period. Liver glycogen is rapidly depleted postnatally (12-24 hours) for the maintenance of blood glucose. Little insulation heat loss is provided by the sparse hair coat and the 1-2% total body fat at birth. Epidemiology • There is only a small amount of carcass fat and no brown fat and consequently the let is dependent almost exclusively on carbohydrate metabolism for subsistence. Therefore, maintenance of the physiologically critical energy metabolite, glucose, depends on the ability of the neonatal to compete with its littermates for regular nourishment from its dam. • Neonatal hypoglycemia in lets occurs primarily du


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