Unit3 What would you like?PartB Lets learn课件小学英语五年级上册(人教PEP版).pptx

Unit3 What would you like?PartB Lets learn课件小学英语五年级上册(人教PEP版).pptx

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Unit3youWhat ?likewould PartB Let’s learn It’s cold. 01We often eat it in summer.02It’s sweet.03ice creamGuessing game It’s a kind of western food.01You can see vegetables and fruit in it, like apples, strawberries, bananas.02It’s heathy.03saladGuessing game Food street火锅水果甜点蔬菜 What’s in this shop?What are they like?They are fresh. These bananas are fresh.These bananas are not fresh.新鲜的;刚摘的 Are they good for us?Are these vegetables fresh?They are good for our health.They are healthy. 健康的headmouththreebread Do you know any other healthy food?Fruits. They’re healthy.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Healthy or unhealthy hot potDo you like hot pot?辣的,辛辣的I don’t like hot pot. It’s hot. hot potDo you like hot pot?美味的;可口的I like hot pot. It’s delicious. beef noodlesThey are delicious. They are delicious.dumplings What do you think of cakes?They are sweet. 含糖的;甜的 I like/don’t like... They’re/It’s sweet. hotsweetfreshhealthydelicioushotsweet What’s your favourite food?_________.It’s ______!Ice creamsweet (1) 直接说出喜欢的食物或饮料名称(2) My favourite food is...(3) I like ... best.1.询问对方最喜欢吃的食物的句型: What’s your favourite food?Language points. It is+形容词.2.描述食物的味道: Language points.They are+形容词. Look and say.看图片,说味道 They are ___.They are _______.It is very _______.They are _______.hotfreshdelicioussweet I love ice cream. It’s sweet. What about you? 小组调查汇报模板:I love _____. It’s/They’re _____. What about you?小组内,依照给出的模板,优先使用本单元新学习的10个单词进行说话练习,最后小组汇报各自最喜欢的食物评价味道。Do a survey. 一、补全单词。( ) 1. __ __t A. h i B. h e C. h o( ) 2. f__e__ __ A. r a h B. r s h C. r c h( ) 3. s__ __ __t A. v e e B. u e e C. w e e( ) 4. d__ li__ __ous A. e c i B. i s I C. i c e( ) 5. __ __ __ lthy A. h e a B. h e e C. h a e CBCAAPractice. Practice.二、读一读,用“/”划掉错误的一项。1. The ice cream (is are) cold. 2. Look at the bananas. (It’s They’re) on the table. 3. I‘d like some beef noodles. (It‘s They’re) very delicious. 4. Have some milk, please. (It’s


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