Unit1 Cartoon time-五年级英语上册(译林版三起).pptx

Unit1 Cartoon time-五年级英语上册(译林版三起).pptx

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Goldilocks and the three bearsCartoon time5A Unit-1 Learning objectives学生能听懂并会说句型:Where are the cakes? 及回答They are …。学生能够基于已有的语言知识,理解故事大意。学生能够在整体理解的基础上,理解故事并有感情地朗读故事和表演故事。语言能力学习能力学生能够基于故事理解并区分:There be句型和They are句型的差异。思维能力学生能够通过故事学习,明白做客之道:讲礼貌,行文明,尊重他人等。文化意识 Contents1Lets review2Look and guess34Imitate and act5Summary and practice6HomeworkRead and learn Part 1 Let’s review 12345678910111213141516 Let’s review.数字大挑战:请同学们选择数字,并完成任务,能收获惊喜哦! 1中译英 1. 在森林里 2. 一座漂亮的房子 3. 又饿又渴1. in the forest 2. a beautiful house3. hungry and thirsty Let’s review. 2中译英 1. 一些汤 2. 太冷/热 3. 在房间里 1. some soup 2. too cold / hot3. in the room Let’s review. 3中译英 1. 太硬/软 2. 三只熊 1. too hard / soft 2. three bears Let’s review. 4中译英 那里有些苹果在桌上吗?Are there any apples on the table? Let’s review. 5填be动词1. There_______ three bottles of cola on the table.2. There_______ cola on the table.1. are 2. is Let’s review. 6中译英 那里有可乐或者汉堡吗?Is there any cola or hamburgers? Let’s review. 7T / F1. Are there some orange juice?2. Would you like some pears?3. There is a apple on the table. 1. F 2. T 3. F Let’s review. 8T / FThere is + 不可数名词复数。F---There is +不可数名词; 不可数没有单复数形式。 Let’s review. 9背诵Story Time Picture-3 Let’s review. 10背诵Story Time Picture-2 Let’s review. 11背诵Story Time Picture-4 Let’s review. 12背诵Story Time Picture-1 Let’s review. 13中译英 你想要来点汤吗?Would you like some soup?Do you want some soup? Let’s review. 14填be动词There some coffee in the room. is Let’s review. 15Name some UC nouns.soup / juice / coffee / milk... Let’s review. 16中译英 那里有一些牛奶和香蕉。There is some milk and bananas. Let’s review. Part 2 Look and guess Look and guess.What’s wrong with Bobby? Watch and check.What’s wrong with Bobby? Let’s check.What’s wrong with Bobby?Bobby is hungry. Let’s guess.What will Tina say to Bobby?I’m hungry, Tina. Part 3 Read and learn Read and find.You can have some cakes.


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