译林版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第4册UNIT3 Careers and skills课件.ppt

译林版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第4册UNIT3 Careers and skills课件.ppt

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4.The message ________ (convey) here is clear:“Actions speak louder than words.” 5.If you think you are sick,you should not put off _____ (go) to the doctor. 6.Once _________(begin) to do something,you must carry on with it,otherwise you will never achieve anything. conveyed going beginning 1 operate [课本义]vt.操作,使运行vi.运转,工作;经营,营业 [增补义]vt.管理 vi.动手术;见效,起作用 练中回想——语法填空 ①It is said that some new rules will come/go ____ operation next month. ②Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is __ operation. into in 完美写作——应用文佳句 ③Our government will _______________________________________ (很快实施新规定). ④The patient was in great danger,so the doctors decided ____________________________________________(给他动手术) immediately. put/bring the new regulations into operation soon to operate on/ do/perform an operation on him 练后归纳——搭配拓展 operate on sb.(for...) (因某病)给某人动手术 come/go into operation 生效,实行 be in operation 运转中,实施中 put/o operation实施;实行 do/perform an operation on给……动手术 语料输入——必备素材 be easy to operate 容易操作 operate factories and mines经营厂矿 operate a patient on the head给病人做头部手术 2 delay [课本义]n.延迟的时间;延期,耽搁 vi. vt.延迟,延期;使迟到,使拖延 [增补义]n.被耽搁或推迟的事件 练中回想——语法填空 ①Taking some factors into consideration,the doctors determined to delay _______(tell) him the fact that he suffered from lung cancer. ②After _ delay of one hour,we continued our journey. telling a 完美写作——应用文佳句 ③To prevent human beings from going on harming nature,______________________________________________ (所有这些措施都必须立即执行). all these measures must be carried out without delay 练后归纳——搭配拓展 delay/postpone/put off doing sth.推迟/延迟做某事 without delay毫不耽搁;立刻 a delay of...耽搁…… 语料输入——必备素材 be delayed for over an hour被耽搁了一个多小时 delay telling her the good news没有马上把好消息告诉她 report it to the police without delay赶快把此事报告警方 3 convey vt.[课本义]表达,传递;传送,运送 [增补义]转让(财产等) 练中回想——语法填空 ①In this letter,I would like to convey my sincere appreciation __ you for your help. ②Your baggage will ___________(convey) by helicopter from the airport to your hotel.


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