译林版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第2册UNIT4 Living with technology课件.ppt

译林版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第2册UNIT4 Living with technology课件.ppt

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三层固基达标训练 03 层级一 层级二 层级三 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The employees demand that their salaries __________________ (raise). 2.I have no alternative but _________ (report) him to the police. 3._____(urge) by his parents,he decided to participate in the Math Olympic Competition. (should) be raised to report Urged 4.He buried _______(he) in the newspaper,and didnt notice what was happening around him. 5.Dont be so _______(envy) of your fellow workers success.If you devote yourself to your work,you can succeed,too. 6.Quantities of money _______________(spend)in bringing up the children since they were married. 7.In addition,they used millions more dollars for personal ________ (expense). himself envious have been spent expenses 重点句式·语境运用小检测 3.如果他们花很长时间谈论一幅你不感兴趣的画怎么办?(what if...) ____________________________ about a painting that you werent interested in? 4.我坚信,用不了多久我们就会建造一个干净的家园。(before引导的时间状语从句) I hold the firm belief that ____________________________________________. What if they talked a long time it wont be long before we build a clean home 考点探究归纳·多维讲练 02 词法探究 句法探究 1 urge vt.敦促,催促;大力推荐,竭力主张;驱赶,鞭策n.冲动,强烈的欲望 练中回想——语法填空 ①We all have the urge __________(possess) something that has aesthetic value,and that is why we treasure paintings or fine furniture. ②The attack added a new _______(urgent) to the peace talk. to possess urgency 完美写作——应用文佳句/句式升级 ③_______________________________________________(人们敦促父母应该少花点时间上网) but more time accompanying their children. ④(普通表达) Our teacher urges us to study hard,as the final exam is drawing near. (高级表达) Our teacher urges that ______________________,as the final exam is drawing near. It is urged that parents (should) spend less time online we (should) study hard 练后归纳——搭配拓展 urge sb.to do sth.敦促/力劝某人做某事 urge that...(should) do...敦促/主张……做…… have an/the urge to do sth.渴望做某事 Its urged that...(should) do sth.坚决要求做某事 urgent adj.紧急的,急迫的;催促的;急切的 urgency n.紧急情况 语料输入——必备素材 have an urge to become a film star 渴望当一名电影明星 urge him to go ahead with his plan


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