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 S e the dawn (黎明,开始 )of human ingenuity (独创性), people have devised ever more cunning (精巧的) tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome (繁 重), or just in nasty (令人难受的). As a result, the modern world is reasingly populated by in ligent gizmos (小装置) whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated ler terminals. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot-drivers. And... project organizer 项目组织者 public relations officer 人员 marketing manager 市场经理 market research consultant 市场 顾问 I started straight after finishing university. to get into the industry 进入行业  tative advertising research 定量/量化 调 研究  ty - quality;quality-oriented education system qualify - qualification specialize in 专修;专攻;专门研究…… tracker ongoing projects 正在进行的项目 a couple of ad-hoc jobs Ad Hoc源自于拉丁语,意思是 “for this”引申为 “for this purpose only”,即 “为某种目的设置的,特别的” questionnaire design 问卷设计 resear ethodology 研究方法论 interviewer training 面试官培训 interviewee; trainer; trainee interior (的);internal 的; interest ;international ;inte ;interpret解 释说明;口译;inter al人际的; interpose置于,介入;intervene ; in ct互动;in ction相互影响; interchange互换;interrelate相互关联  intensive studies 深入研究  intensive care unit;central processing unit;special duty unit  promote products 促销产品  They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period 行业动态;客户满意度  check charts and tables 检



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