高中英语复习北师大版《介词加关系代词》 课件 共29张PPT.ppt

高中英语复习北师大版《介词加关系代词》 课件 共29张PPT.ppt

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Step1:Lead-inShangqiu No.1 High School, in which we will spend the following two and a half years, has a glorious history. The gate of the building, at the top of which there are 9 quite large characters ”商丘市第一高级中学” , can be seen far away. There is a passage(通道) between the two buildings, through which we often go to either side. The students about whom they are talking are reading books.What are they doing? 1. Shangqiu No.1 High School, in which we will spend the following two and a half years, has a glorious history.2. The gate of the building, at the top of which there are 9 quite large characters ”商丘市第一高级中学” , can be seen far away.3. There is a passage(通道) between the two buildings, through which we often go to either side. 4. The students about whom they are talking are reading books. Preposition + which/whomThe attributive clauseLearning goals1 To learn attributive?clauses?introduced by “preposition +which/whom”2 To develop the ability to use the attributive clause. Step2:Presentation 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时, 从句常常由 “介词+关系代词”引导The students about whom they aretalking are reading books. Shangqiu No.1 High School, in which we’llspend the following two and a half years, has a glorious history.当先行词是人时,用介词+whom引导定语从句当先行词是物时,用介词+which引导定语从句 Practice单句改错1.There are two buildings , of whom the larger stands nearly a hundred feet high.2.What do you suppose is the man to whichour teacher is talking.whichwhom3.He received a one-year training in computer, after that he found a job.which Prep.+whomwhichTipsthat× Attention(一)介词后用关系代词which , whom,或whose+n.,不用关系代词that.(二)介词后面的关系代词which, whom不能省略。(三)“介词+关系代词”结构在定语从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语时,可以分别用关系副词when , where , why替换。1. I remember the day on which you joined our club.when2.This is the house in which I lived two years ago.where3.The reason for which he was late for work was that he got up a little late.why (四)有些含有介词的固定动词短语一般不拆开, 介词仍放在后面,如: look for, look after, look forward to, take care of等e.g. The baby whom the nurse is looking after


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