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PAGE 8 PAGE I (格式已修) 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1资料与方法 1 1.1药物 1 1.2分组设计 1 1.3用药方案 1 1.4饲养管理 1 1.5测定指标 1 1.6统计分析 2 2结果与分析 2 2.1中草药饲料添加剂对放养肉鸡体重的影响 2 2.2中草药饲料添加剂对放养肉鸡死亡率的影响 2 3讨论 3 3.1 0?3周 3 3.23?6周 3 3.3从全期来看 3 结语 5 参考文献 6 致 谢 7 姓名:中草药饲料添加剂对肉鸡生长性能的影响 PAGE 9 中草药饲料添加剂对肉鸡生长性能的影响 姓名 (江苏农林职业技术学院 班级 句容 212400) 摘要:这篇文章针对于中草药饲料添加剂喂食肉鸡能够产生怎样的生长性能影响实施了探讨,并对相应的无抗规范化喂养技术予以分析。此次测试的对象是一千只健康的且体重相似良凤花鸡,使用放养的模式实施喂养,探究中草药饲料添加剂会对肉鸡的生长情况、发病率以及死亡率造成怎样的影响。最终的测试结论反映出,测试组(即采用中草药饲料添加剂喂养组)的鸡在14d龄之后的平均体重和日增重都要明显的比对照组(即采用抗生素药物组)高一些,且;而在料重比方面,测试组要明显比对照组低一些,且;在死亡率方面,测试组要比对照组低了9.2。故而,在此次测试中,使用中草药组方则拥有着促使肉鸡生长发育,预防和治疗多种疾病,有效减少了鸡群发病率和死亡率的功效。 关键词:中草药;饲料添加剂;肉鸡;生长性能;影响 Effects of Chinese herbal feed additives on growth performance of Broilers 姓名 (江苏农林职业技术学院 班级 212400) Abstract: To explore the effect of Chinese herbal feed additives on the growth performance of broilers, and explore the non standardized and standardized feeding and management techniques of broilers. In this experiment, 1000 healthy Phoenix chicken with similar health and weight were used as the research object. The effects of feed additives on the growth, morbidity and mortality of the Chinese herbal feed additives were analyzed. The results showed that the average weight and daily weight gain of the chickens in the test group (Chinese herbal medicine group) were significantly higher than those of the control group (P0.05) after 14 days of age, and the weight ratio test group was significantly lower than the control group (P0.05), and the mortality test group was 9.2 percentage points lower than that of the control group. Therefore, the Chinese herbal prescription used in this experiment can promote the growth and development of broilers, prevent and control diseases, resist pathogenic microbes, and reduce the incidence and mortality of chickens. Key words: Chinese herbal medicine; feed additive; broiler; growth performance; influence 在饲料工业发展过程中,身为一种饲料添加剂,抗生素的使用已经具有数十年的历史


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