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2020年中考英语必读时事热点(13) 文章导读 一、 阅读理解 今年是中国决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,以及“十三五”规划收官之年 两会,有哪些看点值得关注? 二、阅读理解 学生们模拟“两会”,小建言,大担当。 三、阅读理解 现在人们都用电脑打字,忘了汉字的书写。传统汉字教学引起了人们的热议和深思。 四、阅读理解 为野生动物发声, 倡导保护生态环境。 五、阅读理解 偷井盖可构成故意杀人罪。 六、阅读理解 为何要一次次给珠峰“量身高”? 七、阅读理解 介绍中国传统文化——“茶文化 ” 八、书面表达 科技创新是社会生产力发展的源泉——介绍中国高铁。 一.阅读理解 China’s two sessions, a key event on the country’s political calendar, began on May 21 after having been postponed?for more than two months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from the delayed opening, this year’s two sessions are “unusual” in many aspects, as China Daily noted. First and the most important, the world will “watch how China?plans the course for a crucial year to?build a moderately prosperous society(小康社会) in all respects?and achieve its development goals, while effectively warding(防止) off?coronavirus risks”, reported Xinhua. In 2019, China achieved a GDP growth of 6.1 percent, meeting the target range of 6-6.5 percent. Analysts expect(分析人士预计) this year’s target will continue to be a?feasible?(可行的)one, and with stronger?boosting?measures(更有力的促进措施下), China could achieve growth faster than that of all other major economies, Xinhua noted. In the two sessions, national lawmakers and political advisers will be discussing how to?strive?for(争取) good performances(业绩) in all areas of economic and social development while?implementing?regular epidemic prevention and control measures, according to Xinhua. Meanwhile, to ensure public health safety, some arrangements for the session have been adjusted(调整). According to Xinhua, the duration of the session has been shortened from two weeks to about one. There are fewer reporters covering(采访) the event, according to Global Times. Journalists who are overseas have not been invited to Beijing to report on the event this year. Meanwhile, news conferences(新闻发布会) and other interview activities are “appropriately?streamlined?and conducted in?new?forms(适当精简并以新形式进



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