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2020年中考英语必读时事热点(12) 文章导读 一、阅读理解 两会召开,疫情下,将更加关注国民生产增长和公共卫生问题。 二、阅读理解 回顾2020年过去5个月在新冠疫情在全球范围内的发生的重大事件及发展历程。 三、完形填空 人物介绍——任嘉伦成长过程及经历。 四、阅读理解 5月的母亲节,是一个向母亲表达爱的时候。 五、阅读理解 2020年5月1日起,数字证据已经生效。微信聊天记录也可成为法庭证据。 六、阅读理解 “天问”太空探索卫星即将横空出世!继“神州”“嫦娥”系列卫星之后中国即将发射“天问”太空探索卫星。标志中国要走向更远的太空。 七、任务型阅读 很多省市取消体育中考引热议! 八、书面表达 开学,复学如何做好疫情防护! 阅读理解 The two sessions are China’s key annual political (政治的) gatherings. They refer to the sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC, 全国人民代表大会) and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC, 中国人民政治协商会议). During the two sessions, our government will look back at its work over the past year and suggest new policies (政策) for the next year. Many big decisions, like making and changing laws and electing (选举) national leaders, are discussed and decided. Usually held in March, this year’s two sessions have been postponed (推迟) due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. On April 29, the NPC announced that it will hold its annual session starting on May 22. The CPPCC said it will open its session on May 21. The dates have been set at a time when the spread of novel coronavirus has been mostly kept under control in China. This shows that economic (经济的) and social order is gradually returning to normal. Postponing the two sessions is unusual in the country’s history. It has not been seen since the country’s reform and opening-up (改革开放) took place. However, after considering the situation in March, the government pointed out that the most important was epidemic control and to prioritize (把......放在优先位置) public safety, People’s Daily reported. For this year’s sessions, issues like China’s GDP target will still be discussed, People’s Daily reported. Due to the outbreak, China’s GDP fell by 6.8 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2020. Boosting (促进) economic development will be one of the main goals of the government’s work for the rest of the year. Public health is expected t



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