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PAGE PAGE III 《我在故宫修文物》的艺术性分析 摘要 在2016年年初,中央电视台纪录片频道的一档栏目的播出,表明着我国的国产纪录片行业将再一次整装待发,这个节目就是《我在故宫修文物》。其实,早在前几年,国产纪录片行业就已经暂露头角。在2012年,《舌尖上的中国》开始播出,这是一部现象级别的纪录片。也有相关数据表明,在2015年,国产纪录电影无论从哪一方面都超越了近五年的记录,包括投资、票房以及收视率等等。在这篇文章中,笔者就借着对于《我在故宫修文物》的深刻剖析,阐述其主要内容,分析了解该纪录片的艺术性,最后总结其产生的社会价值。本文首先介绍了《我在故宫修文物》简介及纪录片的艺艺术性,然后分析了《我在故宫修文物》的艺术性,主要从选题的文化性、视听的审美性、视角的人文性、细节的写实性等方面进行分析,最后探讨了《我在故宫修文物》对其他纪录片的启示。 关键词:《我在故宫修文物》;纪录片;艺术性 Abstract In recent years, domestic documentary films have come to a new spring in winter. The data released by the China documentary research center at the twelfth China (Guangzhou) International Documentary Festival in 2015 showed that the domestic recorded films broke nearly 5 years in terms of output, investment, audience ratings and box office. But in addition to the 2012 China on the tip of the tongue as a phenomenal documentary, no other documentary was followed. Until January 2016, my cultural relic in the Imperial Palace was broadcast on the CCTV Documentary Channel, and again the silence of the domestic documentary industry was broken. This article, through the introduction of the content of I repair the cultural relics in the Imperial Palace, analyzes the artistry of the documentary, and finally sums up its social value. This paper first introduces the art of cultural relics and the documentary I completed in the Imperial Palace, and then analyzes the art of repairing my cultural relics in the Imperial Palace, the main topics from the cultural, aesthetic, audio-visual from the perspective of humanity, the details of the realism and other aspects of analysis, and finally discusses the I repair of cultural relics in the Imperial Palace on the other documentary revelation. Key words: I repair cultural relics in the Imperial Palace; documentary; artistic 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 前言 1 1概述 1 1.1《我在故宫修文物》简介 1 1.2 纪录片的艺术性 1 1.2.1精湛修复技术的继承与发展 1 1.2.2传统中国文化的传播与思考 2 1.3《我在故宫修文物》走红原因 2 2《我在故宫修文物》的艺术性分析 4 2.1选题的文化


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