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课程名称 Unit 5 Action (Reading) 九年级上册 沪教2011课标版 1 Did the boy get a surprise? What was it? Can you guess whose voice it is? It’s Siyi’s voi2ce. Reading 3 Do you know what kinds of TV programs they are? TV play/ drama series ['drɑːmə] (电视连续剧) cartoon/ animation [ænɪ'meɪʃ(ə)n] 4 中国诗词大会 game show 5 reality show 真人秀 documentary 纪录片 director导演 sound operator 音响师 cameraman 摄像师 make-up artist lighting operator 化妆师 灯光师 6 Besides actors, how many people do we need to film (拍摄) a TV program? Who are they? sound operator lighting operator make-up artist7 The picture below shows thefilming ofa TVprogramme. director cameraman Travel Quiz. Look at the picture and the title ofthe article on page 67. Then answer the questions below. read Before you 8 Opening(Lines 1-7) Rising action (Lines 8-14) Turning point (Lines 15-24) Falling action (Lines 25-44) Ending (Lines 45-51) a. Angela took the place of the contestant. b. Angela and Denise were ready to watch a TV program at the studio. c. Angle answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants. d. One of the contestants passed out. e. Angela won the prize. 9 First Reading—Get the main idea Read “Opening” (Lines 1-7) Decide whether these sentences are T (True) or F (False). Find facts in the article to support your answers. ( F )1. Denise was one of the contestants and she was brave. “I’m glad that I’m not one of the contestants! ” Denise said. “I’m not that brave.” ( F ) 2. Angela probably would not want to be a contestant. “Oh, I’d love to be a contestant,” said Angela. Second ReadingFor more details 10 Read “Rising action” and “Turning There pTohinetn m(bLienreofst 4)ontestants waiting on the stage Sudden were 3/Three The thing that happened to one of the contestants before the show Passing out and falling across her desk e The person who took the place of the contestant


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