2024年雅思口语题库及答案(完整版) .pdf

2024年雅思口语题库及答案(完整版) .pdf

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202碑雅思口语题库及答案(完整版) 口语test:提成三个部分,下面按照顺序发part 1 注意:部分问题也许在part 3中被问到 1 o Basic Information what i s your fuI I name? what can I caI I you? what is your ID number? Character i st i cs: Authentic, Showy (Good Custom, Tense exceI Ience, VocabuI ary, Commun i cat i on S ills, i d i om) 2. Wor i ng or Study i ng Are you wor i ng or study i ng? What do you usuaIly do? (wor er only) where do you wor ? what are the advantages and d i sadvantages of your wor ? what i s your idea I job? where do you study? what are the advantages and d i sadvantages of your schooI or university? what subject/major do you have? (Col lege students only) what are the advantages and d i sadvantages of your subject or major? (Col lege studentsonIy) Character ist ics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And f i xed sentence structure 3. Hometown and Home Which town or city do you come from? whats the best thing about I iving there? Is there anything you dont I i e? which places wouId you recommend a tour ist to visit? where are you I i v i ng now? can you descr i be your home to me? what are the advantages and d i sadvantages of Ii v i ng i n your home? how can you improve it? what* s the most i nterest i ng object in your home? 4. Learning English Please some ideas how to study Engl i sh how do you thin about English? what do you th i n of Engl i sh and other languages? how I earn Engli sh well? (how to improve your Engli sh?) when did you begin to study Engli sh? what i s the ey about study i ng Engl i sh? are there some difficulties about studying Engl ish? why dont you study another Ianguage? 5. Watch i ng TV what TV programs do you I i e to watch? what are the advantages and d i sadvantages of watch i ng TV? do you thin there should be a TV in the student* s dormitory room? do your parents Iet you watch TV as you I i e? 6. Health Food what are the d ifference between peopIe eat 20 ye


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