人教版 四上Unit2 My schoolbag A Lets learn公开课.ppt

人教版 四上Unit2 My schoolbag A Lets learn公开课.ppt

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Let’s donate(捐书). 让我们行动起来,把我们以前用过的书打包好捐给希望小学吧! Summary: 1.学会了3个新单词: key, toy, candy; 2.了解名词的复数形式(数量大于或等于2); Let’s write 做题要求: 1、认真填写单词。 2、核对答案。 3、同桌之间交换练习册,监督对方把错误的单词订正过来。 同步精练P13 Dear friend: I have some books for you. Ch nese books, m ths books, Engl sh books, st ybooks and n t books. Do you like them? Cassie 3 i 4 a 2 i 5 or 6 o e 把你想要捐的书的数量 和名称写下来吧! Let’s donate Write down the number and the name of the books which you want to donate. Group work(小组合作) 1、Read the letters to your group member. 把你的信读给小组成员听。 2、Check the spelling and writing in groups. 小组成员互相检查拼写和书写是否正确整洁。 Show time Let’s donate * * * * * 课前准备: 1、英语书、语文书、数学书、同步精练、课堂练习本,铅笔盒、橡皮擦放在书桌左上角。 2、一支蓝笔或黑笔,放在书桌存放笔的地方。 Unit 2 My schoolbag A Let’s learn Let’s sing! My schoolbag This is Zoom’s . schoolbag This is my schoolbag. It’s big and nice. I have many books in it. I have a_____, a_____, a_____,a _____ and an _____. Let’s try 一、听录音,给下列物品标上序号。 1 同步精练P13 2 3 4 5 A mouse bites(咬) the schoolbag. Many books are broken. Let’s repair(修好) the books! Step 1: Open it and see what book it is. 打开看看它是什么书。 Step 2: Wrap the book with a new paper and then write down the name of the book. 用新的纸把封面包装起来,并且写上名字。 Chinese book Maths book English book Storybook Notebook a notebook schoolbag a Chinese book a maths book a storybook an English book Group work(小组合作) 1、小组内轮流读单词,相互纠正发音: Chinese book, English book, maths book, storybook, notebook, schoolbag. 2、最容易写错的是哪个词?为什么? 3、书写时要特别注意什么 ? 书写时要特别注意: 有些单词中间需要空格,有些不需要。比如: 需要空格:English book, Chinese book, maths book. 不需要空格: storybook, notebook. 2. 有些单词字母开头需要大写,有些不需要。比如: 需要大写:English book, Chinese book. 不需要大写: maths book, storybook, notebook. Let’s do Guess: What’s in Xiao Wanzi’s schoolbag? Let’s read the passage and find out


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