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考研《英语一》2023年海南省预测密卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) My husband kissed me goodbye, stroke (轻抚) the baby’s cheek and then rushed out of the door, into his busy day. With the cold of the morning fading, I fed my baby and it fell fast asleep. Usually I would place it in bed and quickly have the house somewhat in 1 . However, this morning, I stayed seated, just 2 , with the baby in my arms. The thoughts ran into 3 of the mornings with my husband, a father rushing out of the door to meet the obligations of life. It was only a small jump to thoughts of my own 4 . My mother passed away when I was ten, and as I looked 5 , I could see how much of a family man my dad was. He went to work every morning and 6 to his family every evening. He 7 food, clothing, warmth, and protection. He was a faithful father. Setting the baby down, I dialed the 8 number. I had just realized the 9 of the ordinary - the daily life going on around us that we often took for granted, and that it needed to be 10 . “Hi, Dad.” I said, 11 back tears. “Hey, Bud. How are you?” 12 was in his voice. “Fine, I’m just calling to say…thank you.” I got it out before my throat 13 too much for me to speak. “What for?” “For getting up and going to work every morning of my life. Now that I have my own 14 and I see my husband doing the same, I just wanted to thank you for being 15 .” There was 16 for a moment as my dad composed himself, and with a small 17 in his voice he said, “You’re welcome, Bud.” I don’t remember much of the rest of the call, 18 that moment of revelation (显露) about my father, I will never forget. There are those who are known for their heroic 19 , and also those who are known for their fortunes and fame, but it is the 20 everyday fathers who are the tru



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