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山东省淄博市周村区2023年考研《英语一》预测试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Michael’s phone contains a picture of masses of groceries—from pies to ground meat—all packed tightly into a car.All of it was taken to Mary’s Mission,a 1 for the homeless,last Thanksgiving,he explained. “Till now, we’ve delivered 21,000 pounds of food that would have been 2 ,”said Michael,18,a high school graduate from Illinois. Last summer, Michael started a 3 called Unseen Cuisine.It 4 food that is nearly past its sell—by date from business,and delivers it to shelters for the homeless. 5 their senior year, Michael and eight other students 6 up for three deliveries a week to nearby shelters. Now those students hope to 7 the mission at the universities they are attending in the fall and get more students 8 . “The ultimate goal for us is to end food waste and end 9 ,not only in America but 10 the whole world,”Michael said.“I know that’s pretty 11 ” During a family trip to India in the summer of 2012,Michael said he was 12 by seeing people beg in the streets.That image 13 with him. But 14 Michael and his team have been honored for their work,he said his team had been most 15 by their interactions(交流)with people who live and work at the shelters. They said they had come to a new 16 of their privilege and responsibility toward others.“A lot of people didn’t 17 necessarily to be in the position that they’re in.It’s a lot of 18 wherever you’re born,”said Nick Motta,1 8,one of Michael’S teammates. “To me,its 19 amazing that a group of students can make such a 20 ”Michael said.“If we can just keep doing that.I think it will go a long way.” 1、A.store B.shelter C.school D.factory 2、A.produced B.bought C.wasted D.stolen 3、A.pub B.class C.family D.group 4、A.collects B.sells C.makes D.cooks 5、A.Before B.After


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