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Figure of speech Week 18 n The old mans face was wrinkled. n Her eyes are bright. n My teacher is very strict. n The ducks and the bees are making noises. n The moonlight made Maria sad. Simile (明喻) ; Metaphor (隐喻) ; Metonymy (借喻) ; Synecdoche (提喻) ; Euphemism (委婉语) ; Irony (反语) ; Overstatement (hyperbole) and understatement (夸张与轻描淡写) ; Transferred epithet (转移修饰) ; Oxymoron (矛盾修饰) ; Alliteration (头韵) n 1. Definition: n It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the words: “as” , “like”, or some other words. Simile 2. Basic characteristics n a. Tenor and vehicle belong to different categories. n b. There is one point of resemblance between tenor and vehicle. n For example: n 1) And then Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried: “Oh, oh!” (O. Henry: “The Gift of Magi”) n 2) He bellowed like a bull seeking combat. n The man is like a cock who thinks that the sun rises to his crow. n Metaphor n Definition n It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. n e.g. (1-3) and more on page 23 Age is my alarm clock A carpet of green grass covered the slopes of the mountain. The ship plows the sea. n Simile n Happiness is like sunshine: It is made up of very little beams. n Metaphor: n The sunshine of happiness is made up of very little beams. Comparison between simile and metaphor Personification n n n n Definition: In personification, a thing or an idea is treated as if it were human or had human qualities . It gives human form, character, quality or sensibility to animals, plants, objects, ideas or abstractions. Eg: (1-5) 1) Flowers peeped us from among the leaves. 2) The buffalo comes down to the bank and subsides with a groan of satisfaction into the mud. 3) Actions speak louder than words. 4) I watched the moonlight dancing on the ripp


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