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高一英语必修一教科书练习题 Ⅳ. 单项填空 从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 We’re going to with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us? get in B. get over C. get along D. get together While out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden. A. lookB. looksC. lookingD. looked It’s in the city A. /;whereB. where; that C./; thatD. that; which — purpose. —That may be right. But perhaps it was broken A. on; by B. by; byC. on; on D. by; on join inB. join C. take part in D. attend It rained heavily,and it is very kind of him to A. use B. share C. takeD. bring too many wars since 1990s,making his people a lot. A. got through; pay B. looked through; face C. gone through; suffer D. passed through; destroy The speech which he made A. being concernedB. Concerning C. concernedD. to concern Please the numbers and I’m sure they will more than 1000. A. add up; add B. add up; add up C. add up; add up to D. add; add up This is the first time that I A. wasB. had beenC. am D. have been —So he wants to sell the house and move to New York. —. A. I agree B. No problem C. What fun D. Exactly The A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone All the listeners were surprised at what the traveller had A. gone throughB. gone over C. gone for D. gone on 14. —? —No, he left here without a word. Did Tom say when he will come back Did Tom say when will he come back C. Did Tom say when he would come back D. Did Tom say when would he come back 15. — us the computer game? —OK. Thank you. A. join; upB. join; to C. join; with D. join; in Ⅳ. 单项填空 解析:选 D。考查短语辨析。get in 收进,收获, 收割;get over 克服,恢复;get along 相处,进展;get together 聚会,聚集。根据句意“我们要聚集一些朋友去野餐”可知,应选 D 项。 解析:选 C。考查状语从句的省略。当时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中有 be 动词时,省略从句中的主语和 be 动词。本句完整形式为: While I was looking out of the window ... 解析:选C。句意为:这种啤酒就是你要去参观的 那个城市生产的。第一空为引导定语从句的关系代词,在从句中作宾语,可省略;第二空为强调句,强调地点,所以用that。 解析:选 A。考查固定短语搭配。on purpose 故意地,有意地;by accident 碰巧地,意外地。 解析:选 D。上学应用 attend。 解析:选 B。share 意为“分享,共用”,其他选 项不符合句意。 解析:选 C。考查短语辨析。ge


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