二零二三年 优质公开课howtallareyou3.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课howtallareyou3.ppt

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Let’s say Name Age Height Weight My brother 25 175cm 56kg Mother 50 159cm 55kg Father 52 177cm 72kg ____ is younger than ____ , ____ is taller than ____ , ____ is older than ____ , ____ is stronger than ____ . ____is heavier than ___,____is thinner than ____. How tall are you? weak [wi:k] 虚弱的 worried [‘w?r?d] 担心的 doctor [‘d?kt?] 医生 little [litl] 小(的)少(的) tall [t?:l] 高,高的 age [eid?] 年龄 heavy [‘hevi] 重的 light [lait] 轻的 Hi, little boy! What’s the matter with you? I’m always tired. Peter looked weak. His mother was worried about him. She took him to the doctor. The doctor was friendly and he asked Peter some questions. How old are you, Peter? I’m twelve years old. How tall are you? I don’t know. How tall am I? You’re 150 centimeters tall. That’s tall for your age. How heavy are you? I’m 32 kilogram's. You are growing quickly but you’re not very strong. Eat a lot .Sleep a lot. Thank you, Doctor Wang. weak worried doctor little tall age heavy light cm=centimeter 这里的cm是centimeter 的缩写,“厘米”。不管前面的数字有多大,书写时一般使用单数形式,如:160cm,67kg.但读的时候要读成centimeter 。超过1厘米时,要读其复数形式centimeters. I am 175 cm tall. I am one hundred and Seventy -five centimeters tall. kilogramm类似... How old are you? I’m … years old. How tall are you? I’m… cm tall. How heavy are you? I’m… kg. Let’s say 询问体貌用how A: How tall are you? (提问高度) “.....多高” B: I am … cm tall. A: How heavy a


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