pov npdi innovation 1通讯媒体及高科技产品开发与创新观点议程目标受众燃烧平.pdf

pov npdi innovation 1通讯媒体及高科技产品开发与创新观点议程目标受众燃烧平.pdf

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Executive Summary ❑ It is no secret that these are troubled times and executives across all industries are more concerned with kee their companies afloat rather than charting the course for the future. ❑ Nevertheless our position is that times of economic hardship are times of opportunity for those who are well positioned to invest in innovation and build a decisive lead over their competitors. ❑ This PoV presents our vision of New Product Innovation and Development and lists the five key imperatives behind profitable innovation. It then argues the case for the Pervasiv worked Innovation paradigm as an enabler for Differentiated, Efficient and Profitable innovation. ❑ We close our argument by a comprehensive list of case studies and credentials where Accenture has made a difference in the innovation process at customers from a broad range of industries. 3 Executive Summary What is innovation? We see innovation clustered around 4 axis: Product/Service Innovation Customer Experience Innovation Develop new experience Develo a better product surrounding an existing PMC. (sustainable) or creating a new product (disruptive) Market Definition Innovation Business Model Innovation Develo new offerings that surround an existing product or Improve Operational Execution service and aim at other and r Management cus


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