二零二三年 优质公开课Howmucharethesesocks.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Howmucharethesesocks.ppt

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Welcome To our class! What shall we learn today?学习目标: 1.掌握单词much, how much, sock, trousers, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, shoes, skirt, dollar 2.掌握询问价格的句型: ---How much is this T-shirt? ---It's seven dollars. ---How much are these socks? ---They're two dollars.重难点:学会使用询问价格的句型,并能正确回答。 Fashion clothes store Look at the clothes in the store!a sweatera T-shirtWelcome to Fashion clothes store a baga skirta hatLook at the clothes in my store! trousersshortsLook at the clothes in my store! socksshoesLook at the clothes in my store! a T-shirta sweatera skirta hattrousersshortsshoessocks Do you remember (记得) them? hat T-shirt sweater shorts trousers skirt socks shoes socks __T-shirt __shorts __sweater __bag __hat __trousers __shoes __jacket __ skirt __idacfgjbhe1aMatch the words with the things in the picture. Listen and circle the things you hear in the pictures in 1a.1b $ 7 How much is this T-shirt ? It’s seven dollars.How much are these socks?They’re one dollar.$ 1/ ? / 美元你发现了句型特点吗? 询问物体价格的句型:---How much is/are+主语?---It is…/They are… How much意为“ ”,be的形式由后面的 决定。当句子的主语是单数或者不可数名词时,be用 ;当句子的主语是可数名词的复数时,be用 。答语用 。 多少钱主语isareIt’s/They’re+钱数how much 用来问(价钱)多少 5 dollars.How much is the sweater?$ 5 It’s Practice 3 dollars.How much is the ?$ 3 It’s 6 dollars.How much is the ?$ 6 It’s 6 dollars.How much are the blue trousers?They’re $ 6 2 dollars.How much are the ?They’re $ 2 5 dollars.How much are the ?They’re $ 5 bag skirtT-shirttrousersshoesshortssweatersocks$2$3$4$8$7$8$6Ask and answer:$6How much is …?It's … dollars.How much are …?They're … dollars. 例题:_____ ______ (多少钱)are this hamburger and the French fries ?How much _______ (be) his shoes?How much _______ (be) the red socks? How much is the ______ (毛衣)? ____ ____ two dollars.How mucharearesweaterIt is Role play


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